24 Year Old BarChip Reinforced Warehouse
24 year old BarChip reinforced floor outperforming steel alternative.
24 year old BarChip reinforced floor outperforming steel alternative.
BarChip macro synthetic fibre was incorporated into large sections of both the concrete roadways and facility floor flabs. BarChip was able to be used in both repair topping slabs and newly constructed pavements which offered great versatility to the project.
The Mauritius government is using BarChip fiber reinforced concrete to increase speed of construction and lower the cost of public housing program.
Barchip Synthetic fiber enable steel mesh to be eliminated from suspended metal deck concrete slab.
Grandis Close 19 townhouse development reinforced the engineered concrete slabs with Barchip syntehtic fibers.
Daily concrete complete rates increased from 800m2/day to between 1200m2 to 1600m2/day with Barchip’s concrete reinforcement.
Alekon Cargo Logistics Hub used Barchip synthetic fiber as primary crack control reinforcement in concrete flooring and hardstands.