Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete
11 Key Facts on the Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Your Ultimate Guide on Fibre Concrete Creep.
11 Key Facts on the Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Your Ultimate Guide on Fibre Concrete Creep.
BarChip’s flooring design tables allow you to quickly check required dose rate and thickness of concrete flooring and pavements.
BarChip reduce carbon footprint of shotcrete ground support by over 70 million kg of carbon.
BarChip replaces trench mesh in housing slabs. In total Barchip replaced the entire trench mesh cage and 90% of all steel in the system. JKP Static Engineer Péter Schaul explains…
Full-scale testing of BarChip fibre reinforced tunnel segments proves that anyone who says you can’t use maco synthetic fibre in segments is wrong.
Full scale testing shows without a doubt that BarChip is a suitable material for use in precast concrete tunnel segments.
Anyone who says you can’t use macro synthetic fibre in a segmental tunnel lining is wrong and in this series of posts we’ll show you why.
Research shows that corrosion of steel reinforcement occurs rapidly with crack widths greater than 0.1mm.
Numerous standards and guidelines exist for design with macro synthetic fiber concrete reinforcement. Contact us for more information on any standards listed below or for assistance in developing new national standards.
TCP designs optimise the dimensions of concrete pavement slabs. TCP slabs are smaller than typical concrete slabs which allows them to better share the load of heavy vehicles