Fibre Reinforced Jointless Floors with BarChip Macro Synthetic Fibre Reinforcement

Video: HelloParks BarChip Fibre Reinforced Jointless Concrete Floor

Jointless Flooring  has long been the domain of steel reinforcement, with a commonly held myth that macro synthetic fibre was not suitable to withstand the internal forces. We put this to the test! From designers JKP Static and contractors HelloParks, construction began on the BarChip reinforced 46,500 m2 PT2 Big Box warehouse in mid-2023, with concrete works completed by late November. PT2 is the second building in the 354,000 m2 HelloParks Páty megapark, located just outside of Budapest. JKP Static conducted Finite Element Analysis using ATENA. FEA showed that BarChip MQ58 could successfully reinforce the jointless flooring design within all safety factors, and the results speak for themselves.

Contact BarChip today and lets talk about your Jointless Floor Design.

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