BarChip design app links page
Select between IOS, Android and web based application link to get your free access to the BarChip fibre design dashboard. Fibre concrete designs in minutes.
Select between IOS, Android and web based application link to get your free access to the BarChip fibre design dashboard. Fibre concrete designs in minutes.
11 Key Facts on the Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Your Ultimate Guide on Fibre Concrete Creep.
BarChip is a proven game-changer for precast concrete. We look at the key benefits that make fibres ideal for modern precast concrete construction.
Research shows that corrosion of steel reinforcement occurs rapidly with crack widths greater than 0.1mm.
Numerous standards and guidelines exist for design with macro synthetic fiber concrete reinforcement. Contact us for more information on any standards listed below or for assistance in developing new national standards.
Batching and Mixing Guide for Barchip’s Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement