BarChip design app links page
Select between IOS, Android and web based application link to get your free access to the BarChip fibre design dashboard. Fibre concrete designs in minutes.
Select between IOS, Android and web based application link to get your free access to the BarChip fibre design dashboard. Fibre concrete designs in minutes.
11 Key Facts on the Creep of Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Your Ultimate Guide on Fibre Concrete Creep.
BarChip is a proven game-changer for precast concrete. We look at the key benefits that make fibres ideal for modern precast concrete construction.
The British Tunnelling Society has released the fourth edition of Specification in Tunnelling. You can download the fourth edition here.
BarChip’s flooring design tables allow you to quickly check required dose rate and thickness of concrete flooring and pavements.
We are excited about the opportunities this facility brings, both in the global construction market and throughout Latin America.
Full-scale testing of BarChip fibre reinforced tunnel segments proves that anyone who says you can’t use maco synthetic fibre in segments is wrong.
Full scale testing shows without a doubt that BarChip is a suitable material for use in precast concrete tunnel segments.
Anyone who says you can’t use macro synthetic fibre in a segmental tunnel lining is wrong and in this series of posts we’ll show you why.
BarChip reinforced Sydney Metro wins 2022 Australian Construction Achievement award.
BarChip is proud to be a Silver Sponsor of the 2021 RILEM-fib international symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete.
Barchip is a proud member of the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA). Low carbon concrete reinforcement.