BarChip Fibre Reinforced Concrete Precast Tunnel Segments
In an American First, the Blacksnake Creek Tunnel incorporates 100% BarChip synthetic fibre reinforced concrete for the precast concrete tunnel segments.

Precast Grandstand Thickness Reduced from 22cm to 12 cm at Debrecen Stadium, Hungary
The use of BarChip Fibers Helped Reduce Element Thickness From 22cm to 12cm

Testing Results- BarChip Reinforced Burial Vaults
In late 2010 a Burial Vault Manufacturer in The United States undertook a testing program to find a new, cost effective burial vault designs.

40% Reduction in Precast Tunnel Segment Cost
The Santoña – Laredo tunnel reduces precast segment costs by 40%.

Precast Concrete Dome Barriers Reduced from 150mm to 50mm Thick
Barchip Synthetic Fibers are the primary reinforcement in precast domes protecting Thailand’s coast from erosion

Optimise the Design of Your Precast Elements with Finite Element Analysis
BarChip Fibers reinforced the Precast Tanks in this ambitious waste water treatment system

Precast Tidal Zone Sea Wall Design Eliminated the Risk of Corrosion.
BarChip Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement was used to replace steel reinforcing as it in non-corrosive and more durable than steel.

Barchip MSFR Concrete Segments at the Harefield to Southall Gas Pipeline Tunnel
The precast concrete segmental lining of the Harefield to Southall tunnel is solely reinforced with Barchip’s synthetic fiber concrete reinforcement.

Malaga Rail Tunnel – Barchip Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Precast Segmental Lining
Barchip Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Precast Segmental Lining used on the Malaga Rail Tunnel.

Durability Concerns at the Oliola Water Tunnel
Barchip’s synthetic fiber concrete reinforcement was used as the reinforcement in the sprayed lining, cast in-situ lining and invert segments of the Oliola water tunnel.