BarChip Fibre Reinforced Concrete Precast Tunnel Segments
In an American First, the Blacksnake Creek Tunnel incorporates 100% BarChip synthetic fibre reinforced concrete for the precast concrete tunnel segments.
In an American First, the Blacksnake Creek Tunnel incorporates 100% BarChip synthetic fibre reinforced concrete for the precast concrete tunnel segments.
Research shows that corrosion of steel reinforcement occurs rapidly with crack widths greater than 0.1mm.
The use of BarChip Fibers Helped Reduce Element Thickness From 22cm to 12cm
BarChip Synthetic Fiber reinforced concrete track slab.
The Caldecott Fourth Bore Project is a 1,030m long, 15.2m wide, US$420 million highway tunnel in the San Francisco Bay Area
Barchip are proud sponsors of the 2017 Australasian Tunnelling Conference, 30 Oct to 1 Nov, Sydney Australia. Visit us at booth 17 for a corrosion free future.
Barchip will be exhibiting and presenting at AusRail2016.
In late 2010 a Burial Vault Manufacturer in The United States undertook a testing program to find a new, cost effective burial vault designs.