Euclid Creek Starter and Exit Tunnels
Barchip Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement used as the primary reinforcement in the Cast In Place Final Lining at the Euclid Creek Starter and Exit Tunnels.
Barchip Synthetic Fiber Reinforcement used as the primary reinforcement in the Cast In Place Final Lining at the Euclid Creek Starter and Exit Tunnels.
BarChip structural synthetic fiber was chosen to meet the design life requirements, eliminate the risk of salt water corrosion and improve the structural integrity of the substrate.
The precast concrete segmental lining of the Harefield to Southall tunnel is solely reinforced with Barchip’s synthetic fiber concrete reinforcement.
Elasto Ballast Track Slab is the new standard for modern rail ballast track.
BarChip fibers were used to completely replace crack control steel in this pioneering road design
Barchip Synthetic Fiber Reinforced Precast Segmental Lining used on the Malaga Rail Tunnel.
Ultra Thin Whitetopping is a bonded, fiber reinforced concrete overlay with closely spaced joints.
TCP designs optimise the dimensions of concrete pavement slabs. TCP slabs are smaller than typical concrete slabs which allows them to better share the load of heavy vehicles
Methven (2004) shows that fiber reinforced shotcrete (FRS) has significantly faster development times compared with mesh and bolt ground support systems.
Barchip’s synthetic fiber concrete reinforcement was used as the reinforcement in the sprayed lining, cast in-situ lining and invert segments of the Oliola water tunnel.
Barchip’s synthetic fiber helps deliver substantial material handling and maintenance cost reductions to Helsinki Metro.
Daily concrete complete rates increased from 800m2/day to between 1200m2 to 1600m2/day with Barchip’s concrete reinforcement.