Precast Grandstand Thickness Reduced from 22cm to 12 cm at Debrecen Stadium, Hungary
The use of BarChip Fibers Helped Reduce Element Thickness From 22cm to 12cm
The use of BarChip Fibers Helped Reduce Element Thickness From 22cm to 12cm
In late 2010 a Burial Vault Manufacturer in The United States undertook a testing program to find a new, cost effective burial vault designs.
Barchip Synthetic Fibers are the primary reinforcement in precast domes protecting Thailand’s coast from erosion
TCP designs optimise the dimensions of concrete pavement slabs. TCP slabs are smaller than typical concrete slabs which allows them to better share the load of heavy vehicles
Methven (2004) shows that fiber reinforced shotcrete (FRS) has significantly faster development times compared with mesh and bolt ground support systems.
Barchip’s synthetic fiber helps deliver substantial material handling and maintenance cost reductions to Helsinki Metro.