BarChip are Presenting at the Australian Shotcrete Society
One – Day Workshop: Shotcrete for Underground Coal Mines
The Australian Shotcrete Society are holding a one-day workshop on the use of shotcrete for ground support and other applications in underground coal mines in Australia. BarChip is a leader in the development of macro synthetic fibre reinforced shotcrete for underground coal in Australia. BarChip Australia Director, Mr. Tony Cooper, a member of the team that brought MSF to the underground coal industry, will be making the opening address at the workshop, titled; “Mix Design for Underground Shotcrete”.
Workshop Date: 5th December 2019
Location: Cessnock Leagues Club, NSW
You can register for the workshop at the ATS website.
If you can’t make it on the day contact us to learn how BarChip fibre reinforced shotcrete can benefit your project.

BarChip Fibre Reinforced Shotcrete in Underground Coal